Three major cohorts in the Malmö Cohorts
The Malmö Diet and Cancer Cohort
The Malmö Preventive Project
The Malmö Offspring Study
Malmö Diet and Cancer, MDC, and Malmö Preventive Project, MPP, have together examined 50 000 Malmö residents. The examinations began in the 1970s and the re-examinations were completed in 2021. The Malmö Offspring Study started in 2013 and examines the children and grandchildren of former participants in MDC.
The participants in the surveys gave information on lifestyle, health and diet, as well as underwent physical examinations. Biological samples where taken and they are now stored in a Biobank.
The data and biological samples we collected are an open resource and researchers are welcome to apply.
The information and biological samples collected represent a world-unique material and a large number of studies have been conducted based on these. Many dissertations have been written and important results have been presented. The topics that have been investigated include risk factors and markers for cancer, heart attack, stroke and diabetes. The cohorts have also been used in studies of rheumatic diseases and the importance of lifestyle factors and social determinants for health.
Collected samples is a common asset for the scientific world and researchers are encouraged to use the materials in their studies. However, access to information and samples is subject to certain conditions, and ethical permission is always required for all studies.

Requesting samples
Read more about requesting samples and biological material

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Research results - publications
The Malmö Cohorts has generated significant results over the years. Find the list of the published scientific articles along with links to the articles