Clinical Research Unit
Clinical Research Unit, Internal Medicine Malmö, Skåne University Hospital
The Clinic Research Unit in Malmö is a core resource for patient-centred clinical research, primarily for internal medicine, but also for other departments within the hospital. The focus is on cardiovascular disease, lungs, and diabetes.
Our expertise and resources
- Advanced metabolic studies
- Ultrasound examinations of arteries and the heart
- Screening studies
- Clinical trials
- Monitoring
- Laboratory for biobanking
The Clinical Research Unit employs staff with various competencies, including nurses with specialist degrees, biomedical analysts with ultrasound expertise, data managers, biobank managers, secretaries, clerks, and researchers.
We are currently participating in two major population studies: Malmö Offspring Study (MOS) and The Swedish Heart Lung Foundation national SCAPIS project.
For more information about opportunities to conduct clinical studies or trials at the Clinical Research Unit, contact the Head of Unit Karen Burns, karen [dot] burns [at] skane [dot] se (karen[dot]burns[at]skane[dot]se), +46 40 336106.